Thursday, December 31, 2009

And So it Begins....

The first of several be more communicative and interactive on the web.  My plan (note the careful use of the word) is to post something small each day about whatever crosses my mind.  Most likely it will be related to something awesome in the world of marketing, something annoying on the road (my pet peeves), or something that I think of that I want to teach my child.  Basically, it will be my internal monologue captured in a publicly accessible blog.  Let's face it - it will be as populated as the arguments I have with myself in the corner, but it seems more socially accessible.

I have two goals on here:
1.  To keep it going for at least a month
2.  To not write the most boring, uninteresting drivel known to man.

So with that......let's begin.  Happy New Year 2010!!!

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